

This is the lovely book my darling bought to me

On late summer afternoons like these, I like to have a slice of cake and look at the amazing drawings, feeling surprised about that the air is getting fresher again and autumn is getting closer.
Autumn and spring are my favourite seasons: autumn is melancholic and suits my mood perfectly, spring is full of life and feels like a rebirth to me.

This time of the year is perfect to get organized, so after the "relax" here it comes the time for making new plans, go for some shopping to fill the cupboard (we went to the mall and also to a discount store , that was fun, cheap and not so bad in the end), and thinking about some new storage solution for my wardrobe and stuff... which is a real nightmare for who lives in a small flat.
Perfume deodorant, tissues pack, hair clips, small samples and other "beauty" items are hidden in these cute baskets.
Clothes to iron go in antoher one on the wardrobe.
Looking for other clever solutions!
Ciao E.

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