
Vive la France

This past week has been quite unpleasant because me and F. both caught a cold. At night we used to potter about in zombie mode consuming loads of tissues...not nice! :< href="http://www.hfmabo.com/magazine/Abonnement.asp?idtitre=470&idPays=1&idtheme=7&typeclient=341">Campagne Decoration and Marie Claire Idées.

In particular in Campagne Decoration I really liked the reportage at chez Sophie, which is the creative founder of Le Passé Recomposé (I believe it is a furniture and decoration shop).
I really like her style. Is a mix of patine and industrial furniture, sweet and rough shaped materials. A nice combination.

Last but not least I just wanted to show you this last french goodie. A lovely ceramic heart I bought a few months ago which is also a perfume d'ambiance by Mathilde M. . It smells lovely. Ceramics are avaliable in other shapes too, I saw some petit biscuits one who are very cute.

Have a nice week-end!

2 commenti:

Les Cotrions ha detto...

Ciao E! Grazie per il tuo incoraggiamento!!! E' un momento stressante e faticoso, ma...prima o poi passerà! Anch'io compro sempre Campagne Decoration...ho un sacco di riviste francesi, inglesi e scandinave...sono un po' il mio rifugio e anche la mia fonte di ispirazione...forse anche per la casa dei miei sogni! Spero che tu stia meglio ora!
Ti abbraccio!
A presto!

Mia ha detto...

I do hope you are feeling better and that the cold i gone! The pictures you show from Campagne Decoration are just lovely! I really like that particular home too.